
Sunday 31 August 2014

Home - Made Yogurt

Home Made, Home made yogurt, How to make yogurt at home, dahi, homemade yogurt, how to make yogurt, homemade yogurt recipe,yogurt recipes,  homemade yogurt recipes, plain yogurt recipes

Home made things have always been the best! And so is the yogurt! U all know well the yogurt available at milk shops is mostly watery! So y not try making it at home? Lets proceed towards its simple recipe :)


Fresh milk                                                       1/2 liter
Curd - yogurt                                                  1/2 tsp

Home Made, Home made yogurt, How to make yogurt at home, homemade yogurt, how to make yogurt, homemade yogurt recipe,yogurt recipes,  homemade yogurt recipes, plain yogurt recipes


To make home made yogurt is really an easyyyy task :) Why prefer preservatives and artificially made yogurt when it can easily be made at home with pure ingredients. 

Almost all of u drink fresh milk daily, so what u have to do is to take half liter of boiled milk. Its ur choice to have full cream or fat free milk. On diet ppl should use fat free milk. For non diet ppl its better to use full cream to get a thick consistency yogurt.

 Warm the milk. It shouldn't be too hot or too cold. It should be just slightly warmer than lukewarm. Transfer the milk to a container which has a tight fitting lid. Add half to 1 tsp of yogurt into the milk & stir it properly. Don't leave lumps. Close the lid & cover the container with a kitchen towel.

Leave it to set overnight in some warm place like cupboard or oven. 

Yeaaa.. A well set yogurt is ready!! Refrigerate it! 

Home Made, Home made yogurt, How to make yogurt at home, homemade yogurt, how to make yogurt, homemade yogurt recipe,yogurt recipes,  homemade yogurt recipes, plain yogurt recipes

Note: In winters, cover it with some woolen cloth.. It may take some more time to set as compared to summers.

DON'T use HOT milk. It shud be Justtt warm :) That's only the trick :)

To make SOUR yogurt - Increase the amount of yogurt in ingredients to 1 tsp

If u want to make yogurt from powdered milk, just make milk from powder and follow the above procedure :)

Thanku for stopping by! Hope u enjoy this recipe :)


  1. wow lovely post dear.. thanks for sharing .. that's true why not to make healthy yogurt at home :)

  2. Homemade curd is the best and well explained post!!

  3. Lovely post it will be helpful for so many who want to try have explained so beautifully :)

  4. i love curd..i can complete the lunch vth only yogurt...this is very useful..

  5. thanks alot. one quiz though. when do you add essence and sugar.

    1. Just add them with yogurt and mix it before u allow it to set.


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Haffa Bexi