
Monday 28 October 2013

Delicious Coffee Custard

Custard| Coffee| Pineapple| Cake| Chocolate| Cream Pack| Dessert| Walnuts

Custard is one of the simple, quick, mouth watering, luscious, healthy & easy desserts to make.
A recipe loaded with flavors of fruits, mixed and nicely combined with milk, custard powder, coffee, chocolate syrup, cream and nuts to give a flavorful and attractive texture is a perfect colorful dessert to attract kids. Esp, for naughty kids who don't drink milk or eat fruits. It is a wonderful dish for vegetarians too, because I prepare it without the egg factor :) There are many different ways to make the custard, and ingredients can be changed, acc to one's taste. Some of the combinations can include, cake, jelly, fruits, nuts, cake rusks, coffee, milk cream etc. 
Another variety of custard which I have discussed is,

For weight conscious friends, this sweet also turns out to be a perfect dessert if they use no fat milk and those zero-calorie sugars :)  It turns out to be a cool refreshing lip smacking summer dessert with fresh fruits and coffee tinge. 
This dish is sooo yummy & really simple to try!! I bet u will love ds.. Don't hesitate to try!! :) Here goes the recipe:


Custard powder                                               1 tbsp.

Sugar                                                               2 tbsp.
Milk                                                                 1 and 1/2 cups
Pineapple Chunks                                              1 cup
Plain cake                                                         8-10 pc
Walnuts                                                            15- 20
Cream                                                              1 pack (Optional)
Coffee Syrup                                                    1/4 cup
Chocolate Syrup    

Custard| Coffee| Pineapple| Cake| Chocolate| Cream Pack| Dessert| Walnuts

First of all add 1 tbsp of custard powder in half cup milk and make a paste. Then add 2 tbsp of sugar in 2 cups of milk and bring to boil. Add pinch of cardamom powder too. Add custard paste to boiling milk and cook while stirring until texture is thick and smooth. Let it cool & set aside.

Next make coffee syrup by beating 2 tsp. sugar & 1/2 tsp. coffee powder in boiling water.Set aside.

Take a dish and set a layer of cake at the bottom.

Then pour the pineapple syrup on it.

Next pour coffee syrup on cake.

Next place a layer of pineapple chunks & walnuts.

Custard| Coffee| Pineapple| Cake| Chocolate| Cream Pack| Dessert| Walnuts

Pour some chocolate syrup & cream on it.

Next place a layer of cream if u want to. Then place the custard layer. Garnish with some chocolate syrup & cream & serve chilled :)

Custard| Coffee| Pineapple| Cake| Chocolate| Cream Pack| Dessert| Walnuts

1 comment:

  1. Walikumaslaam Ofcourse my dear, do share on my pg the result


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Haffa Bexi