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  1. Good thing you have added Haffaa

  2. Hi,

    I would like to invite you for the event : http://www.indusladies.com/food/kids-lunch-box-recipes/

  3. Hi Haffa Bexi,

    Your blog is an excellent resource on cooking. I am a fellow blogger passionate about this as well, and I was wondering if you would be interested in having me guest blog on your website. I will make sure to prepare a high quality article which will be a great fit for your blog that your readers will definitively enjoy.
    Please let me know if you're interrested.

    Thank you,
    Alexandra Keats


    1. Hi dear, do u own a blog? I ll be glad to have u at mu place

    2. Hi Haffa. Did you ever get a reply from Alexandra? She left the same comment on my blog and I can't figure out if she's a real person or a spammer. If she's a real person I don't want to be rude but this seems suspicious.

    3. Hi Rachel! No, I didn't get a reply from her n I suspect the same now!! By the way, nice to visit ur blog :)

  4. Hi,

    We have noticed that you have great recipe posts on your blog and would like to give you the opportunity to share them with the world!
    Our community of chefs and foodies is unlike anything you’ve seen on the web. Nowhere else can you post recipes, get nutrition facts, organize your favorites, and even get recognized for recipe of the day and blog of the week. From amateurs to professional chefs, erecipe gives you the platform to share your culinary skills with the world!

    You can get started by posting your first recipe at www.erecipe.com

    If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at info@erecipe.com

    We hope to see you soon!


Thanku for taking out time to comment :) Your comments are really valuable for me :)

Haffa Bexi

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