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Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Vanilla Muffins with Raisins

Baking, birthdays, Desserts & Sweets, festival recipes, festivals, Kids recipes, new year, party recipes, raisins, sweets, simple vanilla recipe, Muffin recipe, Vanilla, vanilla muffins,

This is a guest post by Monu.

Meet me I am Monu Teena. Thank you so much my Haffa, darlingoO babes for inviting me for a guest post at your place. Feeling like such an honor given to me. As I have already mentioned in my last Post she is a very close and best friend of mine. Few days ago she did a guest post for me Shahi tukray. In Return today i am going to share a guest post for her. Thanks a bunch again for giving me space. Love you my dear ~ Well today guys, i am going to come up with a simple Muffin Recipe along with some Black raisins. You can have it with your tea, easily baked and ready to serve with in 20 to 30 minutes. If your guests are coming in a very short time. The only thing you have to do is to prepare these muffins, serve your tea with these simplest muffins. What I did I had these along with some Hot Coffee. It turned out too moist and delicious. I must say you should try the recipe. The different thing I have done with the muffins I used the both Oil + Butter. The recipe experiment turned out good. Leaving the softness & moist texture to my muffins. I don't know there may be many recipes with the use of both of Oil and Butter. But it was the new experiment for me at least. You can use any dried or fruit nuts, But I like the black raisins most. So that's why I went for this combo. So the recipe makes about 10 to 11 muffins. Enough for 6 to 8 members; With out wasting any of your time lets move to the recipe ingredients along with the steps and the procedure to be followed:

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Egg/Omelette chapati (Paratha)

Egg Paratha, Omelette Chapati, Breakfast, Bread & Buns, eggs, variety of chapati recipes, Eggy bread, pickle, Bread, Favourite, festival recipes, festivals, French Toast, leftover bread, Perfect meal,Chapati, Paratha, traditional recipes,

Nutritionists state that breakfast ought to be the healthiest snack of the day, giving u a boost up of calories at the very beginning of a day. “Paratha/Fried Chapati” is the greatest item to have in the morning.  Fried Chapatis or flat bread called Paratha in urdu, is an essential component of conventional South Asian breakfast. It can be made of wheat flour / white flour or combination of both. You can accompany it with any side dish u feel like, or with simple omelette, tea/ Pickle. So if u want any revolutionize from same boring routine try this!! :) Traditionally it is made from ghee, but oil can also be used. 

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Bread dessert - Shahi Tukra - Royal Toast

Bread dessert, Shahi Tukra, Royal Toast, Bread & Buns, Desserts & Sweets, Dessert, Asian dessert, Pakistani Desserts, indian desserts, festivals, condensed milk, nuts, almonds

My lovely Readers! Today I am sharing a delicious recipe of Royal Dessert/ Shahi Tukra.  Give your bread a nice delicious different taste, that is not at all hard to make :) Its great at times when u r in hurry.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Classic Lasagna

Typical lavish & tempting Lasagna,  is a traditional dish, filled with minced meat, white sauce & loads of cheese, that appeals to people of every age. It is simply outstanding & marvelous.
Lasagnae are a large, flat pasta like & perhaps one of the oldest types of pasta. They originated in Italy. The word also refers to a dish prepared with numerous layers of lasagnae sheets alternated with sauces & a variety of other ingredients.

Baking, Cheddar Cheese, Chicken, classic lasagna, cold weather recipe, Lasagna, Lasagnea, Meat, Minced Meat, Mozzarella cheese, Snacks, white sauce,

Lasagna has been my cold weather favorite recipe! Ah! Home made lasagna. Can anything else be better than this? yumm... Its scrumptious layers of cheesy goodness always warm me up in cold rainy nights!! This dish is simple enough to impress ur family and of course friends in any party. Lasagna sheets piled huge, towering & layered full cheese to go along with the perfect mingle of meaty & zesty & ketchup/tomato pasta sauce. 

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Perfect Beef Steaks

Meat, Snacks, Beef, Beef Steaks, Fried Vegetables, marinated beef, loin, ribs, steaks, salads, grill, bake, pan fry steaks, Steak frites, Popular recipe steak, Best steak recipe

A beef steak is a flat cut of piece usually grilled, pan fried, baked or broiled. The tender cuts from the loin & ribs are comparatively cooked more rapidly, using dry heat & they are served as whole. Less tender cuts are cooked by moist heat & by marinating. They are typically served with fried chips, fried tomato & fried mushrooms or other vegetables. Special knives are provided to eat them. In France the steak n french fries combo is known as Steak-frites. 

One of my favorite meals is the beef steaks from the grill. But most of us simply don't have grills at home like me :( But there is no need to get sad! Yes! There is no need of grill and u can make a perfect steaks indoors without grill and simply on frying pan!! If u r craving for that exemplary taste of outdoor beef steaks, the flavor of the juicy & crispy steak, peppered crust, just get ready to have themmm!! Here is the perfect, easy & to make a steak indoors on a frying pan. Add a loaf of bread, salad, some fried vegetables, fries or baked potatoes & enjoy the yummacious meal!! No grill required! Here goes my favorite recipe (which is easier than grilling, honestlyyy!! :P) :

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Home Made Bread Crumbs

Wondering how to use the leftover, or few days old bread? Its just soo simple n easy!! Make bread crumbs :) Bread crumbs are dry bread that has been grated and finely ground. It can be made with the crust or whole bread can also be used. They can although be made by fresh bread too :)

In ready made bread crumbs, they may use emulsifiers, colors or treatment agents (which I usually avoid as nothing beats home made). Bread crumbs can be used to coat snacks, like kebabs or coat chicken or fish while frying to give it a crispier taste. I usually make large amount of bread crumbs every several months. Half kg of bread will give almost 3 cups of bread crumbs.

Here is how to make bread crumbs at home. Its so simple, that I feel odd explaining it to u, but still :P

Bread & Buns, bread crumbs, Home Made, Snacks, leftover bread


Leftover Bread slices/Crust
Salt - Pinch


-First of all cut the crusts of the bread if u wish to use the crusts only. Or cut the bread slices into small cubes if u r using whole bread, because it will give a more even result. I have used the leftover crusts of the sandwiches.

Bread & Buns, bread crumbs, Home Made, Snacks, leftover bread

Next place them in a bowl/plate and dry them in microwave oven for 2-3 minutes. 

Bread & Buns, bread crumbs, Home Made, Snacks, leftover bread

All the moisture will be finished. Allow the crusts to cool completely. Next add the dried crusts & salt into the food processor & pulse until the crumbs are finely processed. Bread crumbs are readddyy!!

Note: Make sure the crumbs are dry before storing them.
-Store the crumbs in an air tight container & refrigerate.

Bread & Buns, bread crumbs, Home Made, Snacks, leftover bread

Linking to Dish it out by Beulah, 

Thanku for stopping by! Hope u enjoy this recipe :)

Gobi Gosht (Meaty Cauliflower)

Gobi Gosht (Cauliflower with mutton), Band gobi, Cauliflower, Gobi, Potatoes, sabzi, Vegetable, Vegetables,

I'm back with another variant of cauliflower. I have earlier discussed with u the simplest form of cooking Cauliflower - here. It is one of the vegetables my hubby loves the most. Anything with cauliflower, he would never ever say no lol.. wonder what? I never liked to eat it. But hubby has at last made me habitual of eating n even cooking it :P n now I kinda love ittttt! oh myy! This vegetable is easy to cook n healthy for u! Today I am going to mix it with mutton for a new yummacious taste. (Ofcourse it kills my cravings too :P) here is the recipe:

Friday, 20 December 2013

Chocolate Brownies

Baking, Cake, Cakes & Frostings, Chocolate, Chocolate brownies, cocoa powder, cream, eggs, Flour, sprinkles, Desserts & Sweets, Festivals, christmas

Chocolate brownie is a flat, baked, rich, moist and incredibly delicious, bar/square shaped dessert which I love to bake. Brownies come in different varieties. It is a cross between a cake and a cookie. Depending on their density, they are either fudgy or cakey. They can be topped with nuts, cream, chocolate, chocolate chips, ice cream etc. This was one of the best chocolate brownies I’ve ever made, with accurate quantity of sweetness and had a powerful flavor of chocolate. The timing is really tricky while u r planning to bake a chocolate brownie. Always remember to use contents at room temperature and not to over-bake it. This might result in a dry & messy brownie. Follow the following instructions word to word and you will end baking a perfect brownie.It is best for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries and festivals like christmas etc.
To bake a brownie at home is not a difficult task! Here is an easy recipe. Don't hesitate to try :)

Monday, 9 December 2013

Sweet Paratha/Chapati (Meetha Paratha)

Bread & Buns,cheeni wali roti, cheeni wala paratha, Breakfast, Chapati, Flat Bread, Paratha, sweet chapati, sweet paratha,

Basically, breakfast has to be the heaviest meal of the day, because it gives u lots of energy at the very start of ur tough routine. “Paratha” is the best yet delicious meal to have in the morning esp. for lean people. Excuse meee weight watchers :P  Fried Chapatis or flat bread called Paratha in Urdu, is an important part of traditional South Asian breakfast. It can be made of wheat flour / white flour or mixture of both, whichever way u to prefer best. You can have it with any dish u want, or with simple omelette ;) , tea/ Pickle. Before I have discussed with u plain parathas, its different shapes & varieties! Today m gonna discuss with u a very new variety of it that is sweettt chapatiiiii... you know what the best part of it which I love is that it turns out veryyyy crispy! So if u want any change from normal routine try this!! :) Traditionally parathas are made from ghee, but oil can also be used. It makes eating more pleasurable, when you are not serving the same old chapatis like everyday lol :d The recipe is soo easy, u wud never regret making it. Here is the how u create the Sweet Parathas:

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Triangle Paratha

Bread & Buns, Breakfast, Chapati, Flat Bread, Paratha, triangle paratha, triangle chapati

Breakfast should be the heaviest meal of the day, giving u a bulk of energy at the very start of ur tough day. If u want to follow the nutritionists “Paratha” is the best yet delicious meal to have in the morning.  Fried Chapatis or flat bread called Paratha in Urdu, is an important part of traditional South Asian breakfast. It can be made of wheat flour / white flour or mixture of both, whichever u prefer. You can have it with any dish u want, or with simple or of course cheese omelette ;) , tea/ Pickle. So if u want any change from normal routine try this!! :) Traditionally it is made from ghee, but oil can also be used. They are mostly round in shape. But for a change you can make them Triangle shaped :) kids and even adults will enjoy it :) It makes eating more pleasurable, when you are not serving the same old round chapatis like everyday lol :d The recipe is soo easy, u wud never regret making it. Here is the how u create the triangle shaped chapos.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Meat balls in Spicy Gravy/ Koftas

My lovely Readers! Today I am sharing my recipe with my friend Aara of Sweet & Spices; across the border lol :P I recently came to know Aara and now she is a good friend of mine :) This was a new & great experience for me to write a guest post for Aara's blog :)
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