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Monday, 9 December 2013

Sweet Paratha/Chapati (Meetha Paratha)

Bread & Buns,cheeni wali roti, cheeni wala paratha, Breakfast, Chapati, Flat Bread, Paratha, sweet chapati, sweet paratha,

Basically, breakfast has to be the heaviest meal of the day, because it gives u lots of energy at the very start of ur tough routine. “Paratha” is the best yet delicious meal to have in the morning esp. for lean people. Excuse meee weight watchers :P  Fried Chapatis or flat bread called Paratha in Urdu, is an important part of traditional South Asian breakfast. It can be made of wheat flour / white flour or mixture of both, whichever way u to prefer best. You can have it with any dish u want, or with simple omelette ;) , tea/ Pickle. Before I have discussed with u plain parathas, its different shapes & varieties! Today m gonna discuss with u a very new variety of it that is sweettt chapatiiiii... you know what the best part of it which I love is that it turns out veryyyy crispy! So if u want any change from normal routine try this!! :) Traditionally parathas are made from ghee, but oil can also be used. It makes eating more pleasurable, when you are not serving the same old chapatis like everyday lol :d The recipe is soo easy, u wud never regret making it. Here is the how u create the Sweet Parathas:


For dough:

Whole flour                                            3 cups
Water (Luke warm)                                As required
Salt                                                        Pinch 
Oil/ Butter/ Ghee

Ingredients for filling:


As required

Bread & Buns, Breakfast, cheeni wali roti, cheeni wala paratha,Chapati, Flat Bread, Paratha, sweet chapati, sweet paratha,


First of all knead the dough & roll out the dough as for chapatis

Paratha/ Chapati/ Flat bread| Flour

 & divide the dough into 2 small balls/peras for one paratha like this:

pera, ball, aata

Then roll out 2 of the peras/ balls into 2 small circles like this:

Bread & Buns, Breakfast, radish, paratha, moli ka paratha, dough

Bread & Buns, Breakfast, radish, paratha, moli ka paratha, dough

Spread some flour on the surface while rolling so that the dough doesn't stick to surface. Roll it out gently into the required size & sprinkle some sugar all over & oil/butter/ghee on it. 

Bread & Buns, Breakfast, Chapati,cheeni wali roti, cheeni wala paratha, Flat Bread, Paratha, sweet chapati, sweet paratha,

Cover the sugar filled circle with second rolled out pera / ball and gently press the circle from all sides to seal the filling in between. Roll it out gently into the required size & place on heated flat pan/tawa like this :

 Bread & Buns, Breakfast, Chapati, Flat Bread, Paratha, sweet chapati, sweet paratha,

Then place 2-3 tbsp oil/ghee on the paratha and flip the paratha onto the other side after a minute or so.

Bread & Buns, Breakfast, radish, paratha, moli ka paratha, dough

 Let the paratha on tava/ pan for more minutes until it turns out golden,yummy & crispy. Drain on tissue/paper.

Bread & Buns, Breakfast, Chapati, Flat Bread, Paratha, sweet chapati, sweet paratha,


Bread & Buns, Breakfast, Chapati, Flat Bread, Paratha, sweet chapati, sweet paratha,

Bread & Buns, Breakfast, Chapati, Flat Bread, Paratha, sweet chapati, sweet paratha,

Other varities of parathas are :

Linking to

Gayathri Cook Spot's WTML Event

Swathi's announcement page &  Glorias Event: Daily Recipes

Thanku for stopping by! Hope u enjoy this recipe :)


  1. Awww...Your post reminded me of my childhood. When ever us cousins were together during holidays, the elder cousins would sneak into the kitchen late into the night and make these sweet paranthas!

    1. Aww thats cuteee <3 Thanku for such sweet comments <3

  2. Reminds me of my childhood too. My mom used to make these for me. Yummy.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Sweet parathas looks so yumm. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I am in love with this Cheeni wali roti since i was a kid :)

  5. Nyc recipe.thnx

  6. Yummy parathas !lovely blog. Come to my space, waiting for ur presence there:-)

    1. Thanx Shajitha! I have followed u dear! Do follow me back :)

  7. Thanx dear.. sure I wud love to follow but i cant reach ur website :(

  8. Wow.......very unique paratha, a must try recipe. Thanks for viewing my space and leaving your lovely words there. Following you through G+. Keep in touch...:)

    1. Aww thanx fr ur sweet comments too :) Sure dear!

  9. Hey I have just nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check this link to know more about it.


    and don't forget to reply me.

  10. kids love this paratha... happy to follow u. if u get time visit my space too.

    1. thanx Eliza :) already following u :) hope to stay in contact in future :)

  11. Muchas gracias por tu visita, y claro que me quedo de seguidora, me gusta tu cocina.
    Un beso

    1. Thanku mucho cariño por sus lindos comentarios! Love <3

    2. Sweet paratha is really delicious and easy to make. I simply like your post


Thanku for taking out time to comment :) Your comments are really valuable for me :)

Haffa Bexi

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