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Wednesday, 20 November 2013

How to make a Perfect Pizza

Pizzas, Baking, Home made pizza, chicken pizza, perfect pizza, capsicum, onion , ketchup, Mozzarella cheese,

Pizza is an oven baked, flat. mostly round bread typically topped with tomato or chili sauce, cheese and various other toppings. Originating from Italy pizza has become extremely popular in almost all corners of the world. Many varieties of pizza exist worldwide, along with several variants based upon pizza.
Pizza is cooked in various types of ovens and a diverse variety of ingredients and toppings is utilized. The recipe i am sharing with u today is a simple pizza consisting of chicken chunks topping. 
Basically this recipe is about the basics of pizza making. The ingredients of the topping can be changed depending upon taste and liking.The trickiest part in baking a pizza is making the dough, for which i have used instant yeast, which is easily available in any super store. U can also use simple yeast, which u'll have to keep in warm water covered for 20 minutes. Anyway, Here goes its full recipe!! :))

This recipe makes 1 medium and 1 small pizza.

Ingredients for Dough:

All purpose Flour                                           1/2 kg (2 cups appox.)
Sugar                                                              1 tsp
Vegetable Oil                                                 4 tbsp.
Salt                                                                 1 tsp.
Instant Yeast                                                  1 1/4 tsp.
Baking Powder                                              1/4 tsp
Warm milk                                                     As required

Ingredients for Topping:

Ketchup/Pizza sauce                                        3-4 tbsp.
Onion                                                              1 medium sliced
Capsicum                                                         1 chopped
Green Chili                                                      2 chopped
Olives (Black/ Green)                                      10-15 sliced
Tomato                                                            1 sliced
Mozzarella Cheese                                           Chopped/Grated
Leftover Chicken Chunks/Minced Meat 

U can use leftover chicken chunks or minced meat. I have cooked chicken for this pizza. Take some boneless chicken n cut into small cubes. Add 1 tsp. Salt, black n crushed red pepper, soya n chili sauce n fry in 2 tbsp oil until chicken is done :) 

Pizzas, Baking, Home made pizza, chicken pizza, perfect pizza, capsicum, onion , ketchup, Mozzarella cheese,

Pizzas, Baking, Home made pizza, chicken pizza, perfect pizza, capsicum, onion , ketchup, Mozzarella cheese,

Procedure for Dough :

Mix all the dry ingredients for dough in a bowl & gradually start adding warm milk & knead it properly into a medium to soft dough. Cover it and keep it for an hour or two for the dough to rise. It will almost double its original size :)) when doubled knead it once again :)

Procedure for Pizza:

Roll out the dough depending on how big u want the pizza to be, about half an inch thick and place it in the greased circle shaped pan (or whatever shape u want) in which u want to bake the pizza :) Again cover the dough n let it rise for 15-20 minutes.

Next spread the ketchup or pizza sauce on the rolled out pizza dough. Then spread a light layer of chopped/ grated mozzarella cheese at the base. This will help to hold the toppings :)

Then add chicken chunks, followed by onion slices, chopped capsicum, tomato slices, green chili, olives and a layer of mozzarella cheese at the end :) Drizzle some ketchup over the cheese at end.

Pizzas, Baking, Home made pizza, chicken pizza, perfect pizza, capsicum, onion , ketchup, Mozzarella cheese,

Make sure not to over pile your pizza, it might restrict pizza from rising while baking.

Pizzas, Baking, Home made pizza, chicken pizza, perfect pizza, capsicum, onion , ketchup, Mozzarella cheese,

Once done, Preheat the oven at 180 degrees and bake it for 25-30 minutes or until it is cooked properly!! U can check by poking a knife into it. 

For baking without oven.. follow this recipe.. BAKING WITHOUT OVEN - and bake for 20-25 minutes or until done. 

Pizzas, Baking, Home made pizza, chicken pizza, perfect pizza, capsicum, onion , ketchup, Mozzarella cheese,

Enjoy the Perfect home made pizza with ketchup.. yummyyy!! <3

P.S. u can even freeze the rolled out dough and use when required.

Thanku for stopping by! Hope u enjoy this recipe :)


Thanku for taking out time to comment :) Your comments are really valuable for me :)

Haffa Bexi

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